I went through my uploaded music today and to me I enjoyed hearing the cheesy sound of it, yet I'm left thinking that this is the type of thing I should only share with my friends pug who I am babysitting. Yet I do not feel totally discouraged, I bought actual audio gear recently and I WILL record at least one song a day until the break is over.
Speaking of actual audio gear though I've bought a handful in the past month or 2. Here I'll list them off: microkorg, kp3, kaossilator, d3200, and just today I picked up an esx-1. This does not include the djembes and congas I've been picking up for school. Needless to say I'm done buying things for a little while especially when I have about a grand of music type stuff I no longer use.
Anyways, I should probably get back to studying for my stats final exam; enjoy the attached picture of my friend.
Merry Christmas!